Computer Networks and Distributed Systems LABORAtory


LABORA is a Brazilian research group on computer networks and distributed systems. Since 2000, LABORA group has developed computer models, simulation components, and software systems related to topics such as grid computing, sensor networks, adaptive middleware, mobile computing, cloud computing, high-performance computing, wireless networks, and software-defined networking. LABORA has been sponsored by several research agencies such as CNPq, FINEP, RNP, FAPEG, and FUNAPE/UFG. Additionally, the LABORA researchers have established cooperation in several institutions in Brazil and other countries, including IME/USP, PUC-Rio, UFMS, UFPR, UFRGS, LNCC, COPPE-UFRJ, Florida International University, Virginia Tech, INRIA, and Trinity College Dublin. The group is also committed on producing highly trained students at undergraduate, MSc, and PhD.